"The Conjuring" is a horror film released in 2013 that tells the story of paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren, played by Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga, as they try to help a family being terrorized by a demonic presence in their home.
The film was directed by James Wan and written by Chad Hayes and Carey W. Hayes. It generally received positive reviews upon its release and was a box office success, grossing over $319 million worldwide.
One of the strengths of "The Conjuring" is its strong acting performances, particularly from Wilson and Farmiga, who portray the Warrens with conviction and sincerity. The film also has a well-crafted atmosphere of tension and dread, thanks in part to Wan's skilled direction and the use of practical effects.
Overall, "The Conjuring" is a solid horror film that will appeal to fans of the genre. It is well-acted, atmospheric, and has a number of memorable scares. If you enjoy horror movies, it is definitely worth checking out.
Movie Cast Members
- Patrick Wilson as Ed Warren
- Vera Farmiga as Lorraine Warren
- Lili Taylor as Carolyn Perron
- Ron Livingston as Roger Perron
- Mackenzie Foy as Cindy Perron
- Joey King as Christine Perron
- Hayley McFarland as Andrea Perron
- Shanley Caswell as Drew Thomas
- Kyla Deaver as Cindy Perron (young)
- Shannon Kook as John
- Steve Coulter as Father Gordon
- Sterling Jerins as Judy Warren
- John Brotherton as Brad
- Marion Guyot as Sister Charlotte