"From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series" is a horror television series that aired on the El Rey Network from 2014 to 2016. The series is based on the 1996 film of the same name, and follows the lives of the Gecko brothers, two criminals who are on the run from the law. The series was created by Robert Rodriguez and was executive produced by Rodriguez, Carlos Coto, and Quentin Tarantino.
The lead cast members of "From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series" include:
- D.J. Cotrona as Seth Gecko
- Zane Holtz as Richie Gecko
- Eiza González as Santánico Pandemonium
- Jesse Garcia as Freddie Gonzalez
- Madison Davenport as Kate Fuller
The series was well-received by critics and fans, and was praised for its acting, writing, and cinematography. It aired for three seasons before coming to an end in 2016.
TV Series Story
"From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series" follows the lives of the Gecko brothers, Seth and Richie, as they go on the run after a bank heist goes wrong. Along the way, they encounter Santánico Pandemonium, a stripper who is revealed to be a vampire. The series explores the relationship between the Gecko brothers and Santánico, and the various challenges they face as they try to evade the law and survive in a world filled with danger and supernatural threats.
Throughout the series, the characters are forced to confront their own demons and make difficult choices as they navigate a world filled with violence and corruption. The series features intense action and suspense, and is known for its clever blend of horror and humor.
"From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series" features an ensemble cast of talented actors, including D.J. Cotrona, Zane Holtz, Eiza González, Jesse Garcia, and Madison Davenport. Each of these actors brought their own unique style and energy to the series, and contributed to its overall success.
In addition to its talented cast, "From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series" also features impressive production values and special effects, which helped to bring the world of the series to life and create a sense of immersion for viewers. Overall, "From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series" is a thrilling and well-crafted television series that is sure to appeal to fans of horror and action.